Wednesday 25 October 2017

How to Use Professional Certifications for Upgrading Your Career Profile?

A professional is certainly going to have a promising and rewarding future if he or she consistently remains concerned about upgrading their skills. Once in job, many people choose to settle down doing what they already know and stay in their comfort zone. While we are confined within, we face fewer challenges, there is little demand for innovation, and tasks are repetitive and easily executed. Indeed, the job gets easier and thus the majority of professionals are satisfied doing their routine tasks. But it's a very average approach that does nothing to improve your career.

However, there are proactive professionals, who are not satisfied with just average. They look forward to improving their professional profile as they aspire a better and brighter career. They are driven to keep learning new skills, so that their areas of expertise widen and are capable of taking on bigger and more challenging roles. And of course, these inevitably lead to the much higher paying jobs that everyone is envious of.

Enroll in Training and Development Courses

The residents of Singapore are fortunate that they have access to well-structured and planned training programs, dedicated to skill enhancement amongst people of all age groups. The Singapore Government launched the SkillsFuture initiative recently, to encourage Singaporeans to keep learning and to offer cost effective training courses in Singapore. Aspiring working professionals, who wish to enhance their skills in newer areas,will benefit from these programs. Courses are taught by industry experts as the Government has decided not to step into the training themselves but provide credits available to pay successful professional trainers in the market already.

Why are Training Programmes so Relevant these Days?

If you are thinking that these kinds of development and training programs are just a matter of choice and you still have ample time left to start with, then perhaps you have not studied the competition closely. If your goal is to excel in your profession, you have two approaches, either you wait for an opportunity to come your way or you create the opportunity. Training programs are the stepping stones through which you can take the command of your career and make opportunities happen rather than waiting for them.

The world has entered an era where human tasks are getting automated, there are a very few chances of saving low-budget and common jobs. Learning new skills and having a strong hold on situations can help you to grab bigger opportunities and experience optimal career growth. Explore the web to know more about courses that can help you excel in your current job roles and choose the one that suits you the most.

Enabling and Shaping the Future of Singaporeans through SkillsFuture

The Singapore government is facilitating initiatives to develop industry-relevant skill training and help people secure a better livelihood. The SkillsFuture project is a mass movement to provide a platform to the people of Singapore to hone their skills and career aspirations with self-motivated online learning and along with a robust system of participating professional skill trainers located locally.

Recognising the utmost need for comprehensive skill development in the modern climate, the SkillsFuture courses are devised to harness the best in individuals. The SkillsFuture credit courses are flexible and can be received and used irrespective of age or career path.

The courses are available across variety of industries and sectors. They are segregated for students, employees in their early and mid-careers, employers, training providers and lifelong learners. Examples of the many supportive nets and ways to benefit from SkillsFuture are listed below:

Education and Career Guidance (ECG): Trained ECG counselors help students and employees to nurture their skills and career path with informed decision and post-secondary education options.

• My Skills Future: An online portal for all education, training and career guidance to empower Singaporeans to plan their education and training through their working life.

• SkillsFuture for Digital Workplace: To prepare student and employees with their potential skills and attitude to grasp the opportunities in the future economy.

• SkillsFuture Credit: All Singaporeans aged 25 and above, receives an opening credit of 500 Singaporean Dollar as compensation to pay for skills related course fees. Till December 2016, more than 126,000 Singaporeans have enrolled in SkillsFuture Credit to up-skill themselves.

• The SkillsFuture Earn and Learn Program: A working and learning program designed to help fresh graduates from polytechnics and technical institutes.

Due to the over whelming success of the programme, the Singapore government has also convinced many other private and public players in the post-school education industry to participate. These public and private players doing things to support student and individuals in enrolling for various courses, including SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) funding for Employer-based training, Self-sponsored training, training Grant Application & Absentee Payroll online, Approved Training Grant, and many others.

Since learning has no age, it is important to keep learning and adapting to prepare for the huge changes that are always on the horizon. By fostering a love for learning and encouraging its citizenry to constantly learn new skills and adapt to changing times, the Singapore government is hoping to help Singaporeans find or make new niches in the ever-shifting climate of the technological world. Explore the web now to know how you can enroll to these courses and make way to success!